Reminder: Today Is Toy Day In Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Nintendo Life

In case it had slipped your mind, here’s a friendly reminder that today is the wonderful, magical time of year known as Toy Day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

If you’re not the sort who jumps into the game every single day regardless, you might want to make an exception today to see all of the festive fun taking place on your island. The festivities kick off at 5am on 24th December and last for one full day – you’ll know the event is live because special music will be playing on your island.

The first thing you’ll want to do is find Jingle, the black-nosed reindeer; he’ll ask you to deliver presents to other islanders and help to get you in the festive spirit. We’ve got a work-in-progress guide to the event right here if you need any help, with details on where to find Jingle and all the other activities you can get stuck into throughout the day.

@Crockin Gotta farm balloons for those, unfortunately, which is incredibly tedious. Not to mention the frozen set which you need to build perfect snowmen for which in itself is real tedious too if you don’t know a trick to it.

Honestly at this point I’ve kinda stopped caring about getting all the recipes. If I get them while I play, cool, but I’m sick of having to do mundane tasks like waiting around for balloons to spawn for another recipe. And I don’t feel like doing much else either because the rest of the game has gotten stale as well. It’s quite unfortunate really.

Oh well. Happy Toy Day to everyone regardless!

@Crockin Same for me, except I’ll still at least try to check in daily to see if Redd is there for his art as I really want to complete the museum this time, already have the fish and bugs complete, so just art and deep sea stuff to go. Other than that I’ll be pretty much done with this game too and maybe a future substantial update will make the game fun again.

Also on the balloon schedule thing- even if you keep that in mind it’s still going to be a chore to actually get them. I was grinding for a couple hours a few days ago and only got like 2, maybe 3 of the recipes that way and it’s just not fun that way. It’s like a thing you just have to check while you’re doing something else (like watching Netflix or whatever) otherwise you’ll be tossing your Drift-cons into your television screen before long.