Nintendo Switch Update 12.0.0 (6, April 2021) – Patch Notes

nintendo switch system update 12.0.0 patch notes

Nintendo published out of the blue a brand new update for the Nintendo Switch, bringing the console’s system version to 12.0.0 – What happened and what changed? We’ve got the details below.

Despite the jump to 12.0.0, this actually isn’t that big of an update, but it does fixes one major bug that could have possibly made you loose progress on your cloud backed-up saves if you were unlucky enough to encounter it.

Once encountered, the bug would deactivate the automatic backup of saves on the cloud for Nintendo Switch Online subscribers.

Nintendo Switch system update Ver. 12.0.0 (Released April 5, 2021) patch notes

“We fixed the issue with the save data backup feature, where in rare cases, the automatic backup of save data is interrupted if a communication error occurs during completion of the save data backup process.”

The Nintendo Switch 12.0.0 system update was first shared on the Japanese Nintendo customer support Twitter.

Nintendo Switchのシステムバージョン12.0.0の配信を開始しました。更新内容についてはこちらをご覧ください。

— 任天堂サポート (@nintendo_cs) April 6, 2021

What does the update means?

Keep in mind that in the past, Nintendo never particularly correlated the number of the update with its contents’ volume. Ver 12.0.0 being released doesn’t necessarily mean something big is coming soon. With that said, we’ll be on alert and be sure to tell you if we hear anything.

Currently, there are rumors of a powered up Nintendo Switch console getting announced soon. Reports from Bloomberg suggested the Powered Switch will be entering production in June 2021 for an estimated end of 2021 release date, so we might hear about it in the next few weeks. The console will reportedly have an Oled handheld screen, and support 4K for those with TVs sharing the technology.

  • NINTENDO SWITCH PRO – 5 things we want from the new console

Moreover, there are several games Nintendo already announced that we could see being launched together with a Switch pro too. In particular, the Zelda Breath of the Wild sequel comes to mind.

Another possible game would be the new Pokemon Legends Arceus, which is planned for early 2022. While it’s still in development, the footage we’ve seen of Pokemon Breath of the Wild definitely lacked optimization. Perhaps it’ll be easier to stomach on a possible Switch Pro.

The post Nintendo Switch Update 12.0.0 (6, April 2021) – Patch Notes by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.