Iron Man VS Wolverine… Cosplay Costume.

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Adamantium ENDGAME
Playing around at Oz Comic Con 2015
Iron Man:

Adamantium Suit vs an Adamantium Man
Who Wins?
Iron Man VS Wolverine… I didn’t see that coming
Iron Wolverine suit
Please Like and Subscibe!

Other Dadpool videos:

Iron Man vs Wolverine… you didn’t see that coming!

Amazing Deathstroke Cosplay

Iron Man and Iron Patriot Costumes/Cosplay

Crazy Hand built Iron Man Cosplay. Anyone can do it

Dance off bro… Iron Deadpool vs Boba Fett

Classic Wolverine and The X-Men

Thanks to those before me and who are leading the way now.
Stealth, The Heroes Work Shop.
Anthony Le, Master Le.
James Bruton, XRobots.

Video Created and Produced by “Dadpool Cosplay”
Logan Trailer
Logan Movie

This content was originally published here.