What is love? It’s seeing ALL YOUR FAVOURITE DISNEY PRINCESSES DANCING TOGETHER OMG. As you can probably tell we covered parts of the What Is Love MV and also threw in some Wreck It Ralph casual princess outfits! What do you think?? Can you spot all the hidden Disney props in our intro? Let us know what cosplay+anime crossover you want to see next. We’ve already got our next one planned! But for now, stay tuned for a few more, special princess videos we’ll be putting out soon! 😉
Filmed by: Jason @jdayumm, Swenson @swenson.ch and Lucy @suburbansonder
Edited by: Alex @lexiikat
Snow White: Bri @pippins_cosplay
Cinderella: Lizzy @deathmew_cosplay
Aurora: Madi @kylacos.x
Ariel: Larkey @alexlarkey
Belle: Samsam @queennsamsam
Jasmine: Kim @kim_kine
Mulan: Aubrey @ichigolew
Tiana: Sheryse @resey.dc
Rapunzel: Tildy @aravyne
Elsa: Alex @lexiikat
Ana: Kao @kaotsun
Location: Fremantle Town Hall
If you spot some really pretty Disney art framed in the background of our intro, it’s by Disney Inspired Designs in Perth! https://www.facebook.com/disneyinspireddesigns/
Songs: Heart Shaker – TWICE (Inst.)
What Is Love? – TWICE
When You Wish Upon A Star – Cliff Edwards
#disneyprincesses #twice #twicedancecover
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Perth Kpop Classes: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1537420049813294/?ref=ts&fref=ts
This content was originally published here.